Latest publications
Key publications
external page The Prevotella copri complex comprises four distinct clades underrepresented in Westernized populations
A. Tett, K.D. Huang, F. Asnicar, H. Fehlner-Peach, E. Pasolli, N. Karcher, F. Armanini, P. Manghi, K. Bonham, M. Zolfo, F. De Filippis, C. Magnabosco, R. Bonneau, J. Lusingu, J. Amuasi, K. Reinhard, T. Rattei, F. Boulund, L. Engstrand, A. Zink, M. Carmen Collado, D.R. Littman, D. Eibach, D. Ercolini, O. Rota-Stabelli, C. Huttenhower, F. Maixner, and N. Segata. Cell Host & Microbe (2019)
external page An expanded ribosomal phylogeny of Cyanobacteria supports a deep placement of plastids
K.R. Moore, C. Magnabosco, L. Momper, D.A. Gold, T. Bosak, and G.P. Fournier. Frontiers in Microbiology. (2019)
external page New ecosystems in the deep subsurface follow the flow of water driven by geological activity
G. Borgonie, C. Magnabosco, A. García-Moyano, B. Linage-Alvarez, A.O. Ojo, L.B. Freese, C. Van Jaarsveld, C. Van Rooyen, O. Kuloyo, E.D. Cason, J. Vermeulen, C. Pienaar, E. Van Heerden, B. Sherwood Lollar, T. C. Onstott, and S.O.C. Mundle. Scientific Reports. (2019)
external page The biomass and biodiversity of the continental subsurface
C. Magnabosco, L.-H. Lin, H. Dong, M. Bomberg, W. Ghiorse, H. Stan-Lotter, K. Pedersen, T.L. Kieft, E. van Heerden, and T.C. Onstott. Nature Geoscience. (2018)
external page South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for up to tens of millions of years
A.H. Heard, O. Warr, G. Borgonie, B. Linage, O. Kuloyo, J.W. Fellowes, C. Magnabosco, M.C.Y. Lau, M. Erasmus, E.D. Cason, E. van Heerden, T.L. Kieft, J. Mabry, T.C. Onstott, B. Sherwood Lollar, and C.J. Ballentine. Chemical Geology. (2018)
external page Fluctuations in populations of subsurface methane oxidizers in coordination with changes in electron acceptor availability
C. Magnabosco, P.H.A. Timmers, M.C.Y. Lau, G. Borgonie, B. Linage-Alvarez, O. Kuloyo, R. Alleva, T.L. Kieft, G.F. Slater, E. van Heerden, B. Sherwood Lollar, T.C. Onstott. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. (2018)
external page Dating phototrophic microbial lineages with reticulate gene histories
C. Magnabosco, K.R. Moore, J.M. Wolfe, G.P. Fournier. Geobiology. (2018)
external page The relative abundances of resolved 12CH2D2 and 13CH3D and mechanisms controlling isotopic bond ordering in abiotic and biotic methane gases
E.D. Young, I.E. Kohl, B. Sherwood Lollar, G. Etiope, D. Rumble III, S. Li, M.A. Haghnegahdar, E.A. Schauble, K.A. McCain, D.I. Foustoukos, C. Sutclife, O. Warr, C.J. Ballentine, T.C. Onstott, H. Hosgormez, A. Neubeck, J.M. Marques, I. Pérez-Rodríguez, A.R. Rowe, D.E. LaRowe, C. Magnabosco, L.Y. Yeung, J.L. Ash, L.T. Bryndzia. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. (2017)
external page An oligotrophic deep-subsurface community dependent on syntrophy is dominated by sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrifiers
M.C.Y. Lau, T.L. Kieft, O. Kuloyo, B. Linage-Alvarez, E. van Heerden, M.R. Lindsay, C. Magnabosco, W. Wang, J.B. Wiggins, L. Guo, D.H. Perlman, S. Kyin, H.H. Shwe, R.L. Harris, Y. Oh, M.J. Yi, R. Purtschert, G.F. Slater, S. Ono, S. Wei, L. Li, B. Sherwood Lollar, T.C. Onstott. PNAS. (2016)
external page A metagenomic window into carbon metabolism at 3 km depth in Precambrian continental crust
C. Magnabosco, K. Ryan, M.C.Y. Lau, O. Kuloyo, B. Sherwood Lollar, T.L. Kieft, E. van Heerden, T.C. Onstott. ISMEJ. (2016)
external page Variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep continental subsurface
D.N. Simkus, G.F. Slater, B. Sherwood Lollar, K. Wilkie, T.L. Kieft, C. Magnabosco, M.C.Y. Lau, M.J. Pullin, S.B. Hendrickson, K.E. Wommack, E.G.Sakowski, E. van Heerden, O. Kuloyo, B. Linage, G. Borgonie, T.C. Onstott. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (2015)
external page Permeability model of tight reservoir sandstones combining core-plug and Miniperm analysis of drill core; Longyearbyen CO2 Lab, Svalbard
C. Magnabosco, A. Braathen, K. Ogata. Norwegian Journal of Geology 94 (2014): 189-200.
external page Comparisons of the composition and biogeographic distribution of the bacterial communities occupying South African thermal springs with those inhabiting deep subsurface fracture water
C. Magnabosco, M. Tekere, M.C.Y. Lau, B. Linage, O. Kuloyo, M. Erasmus, E. Cason, E. van Heerden, G. Borgonie, T.L. Kieft, J. Olivier, T.C. Onstott. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology 5 (2014): 679.
external page Phylogeny and phylogeography of functional genes shared among seven terrestrial subsurface metagenomes reveal N-cycling and microbial evolutionary relationships
M.C.Y. Lau, C. Cameron, C. Magnabosco, C.T. Brown, F. Schilkey, S. Grim, S. Hendrickson, M. Pullin, B. Sherwood Lollar, E. van Heerden, T.L. Kieft, and T.C. Onstott. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology 5 (2014): 531.
external page Does aspartic acid racemization constrain the depth limit of the subsurface biosphere?
T.C. Onstott, C. Magnabosco, A.D. Aubrey, A.S. Burton, J.P. Dworkin, J.E. Elsila, S. Grunsfeld, B.H. Cao, J.E. Hein, D.P. Glavin, T.L. Kieft, B.J. Silver, T.J. Phelps, E. van Heerden, D.J. Opperman, and J.L. Bada. Geobiology 12.1 (2014): 1-19.
external page Denitrification and nitrogen fixation dynamics in the area surrounding an individual ghost shrimp (Neotrypaea californiensis) burrow system
V.J. Bertics, J.A. Sohm, C. Magnabosco, and W. Ziebis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78.11 (2012): 3864-3872.
external page From Genes to Metagenomes: Exploring life underground
C. Magnabosco, Princeton University, 2016
external page A Characterization of the Biology and Nutrient Cycling of Two Glacial Lakes in Isfjord Radio, Svalbard
C. Magnabosco, University of Southern California, 2011
Book chapters
external page Biogeography, Ecology, and Evolution of Deep Life
C. Magnabosco, J.F. Biddle, C.S. Cockell, S.P. Jungbluth, K.I. Twing. In B. Orcutt, I. Daniel, & R. Dasgupta (Eds.) Deep Carbon: Past to Present. Cambridge University Press (2019): 524-555